Windows Phone 8.1 (Lumia Cyan) update for Lumia devices is available, check out your availability

Finally Microsoft started rolling out the most updated, enhanced and improved update for Lumia devices i.e. Windows Phone 8.1 update. It’s also called as Lumia Cyan Update. This update will come up with your personal assistant Cortana which is biggest rival of Siri and Google Now but is very personal for the owner of the device.


Here is a Hands-On video on Windows Phone 8.1 Cyan Update:

Top most features to be improved or added are:

Action Center: With just one swipe you can access Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Location, Flight Mode, Internet Sharing and many more. Action Center is fully equipped with your frequently used services. This feature also notifies you about latest happenings from allowed third party apps.

Background Images and extra column on Start Screen: Get your fav images on Start Screen with this new features. You’ll also get an extra column on Start Screen for your Live tiles.

Personal Assistant: Cortana is the answer for all your queries. Yes, like Apple Got Siri, Google gor Google Now, Microsoft brings Cortana at your service. Cortana will be your personal assistant which improvises on her own day by day. She learns from you and keeps track of you, your reminders, your circles and much more.

Wi-Fi Sense: This features keep track of free Wi-Fi hotspots all over the world and connects your device hassle free for you to any of those as located.

Word Flow: World’s fastest Swipe keyboard is here with Windows Phone 8.1. Simply glide your fingers like butter on the keyboard and leave rest to it from typing to correction.

Calendar App: Now it not only keeps track of your appointments or special days rather keeps update info about weather also.

Camera and third-party camera apps: Much more powerful feature update to the Nokia Camera app along with the Creative Studio and StiryTeller apps.

Have a check availability for the Cyan update for your Lumia device is available or not. Your phone will automatically notify you regarding the Lumia Cyan update. Stay Tuned and updated with this improved update for your Lumia device.