Kinect effect after one year, whats your story

Kinect an innovative revolution from Microsoft was initially designed only for entertainment and playing games but as time passed, people all over the world realized the power of Kinect. Now Kinect is everywhere from helping children with autism to helping doctors in the operating room. This whole revolution is termed as Kinect effect, whats your imagination.

Kinect Effect

You’ll wonder about its effect as where its being used nearby you. It is used:

  • Lakeside Center for Autism Helps Kids with it
  • Stroke Patients at Royal Berkshire Benefit from Playing Kinect
  • Tedesys Uses Kinect in Hospitals
  • Grocery cart loyally follows disabled shoppers
  • Kinect + OpenNI + Flash + Natzke Ribbons

See what Kinect can become in future

After one successful year, It is used for healthcare, education, research and many other industries which are finding new ways to use it. You too can share your own story regarding your imagination, creation, applications on facebook.