Introduction to Google + Project in detail
We already saw what is a Google + Project but now its time to go deeper into the concept and features of Google +. Google + is trying make you feel connected to your loved ones via www i.e. Internet. This project aims to connect humna beings to each other via web and without any problem which still several social networks tends to have.
Ultimate goal is to reach each and everyone online and provide them everything in real life sharing which will include you, your relationships, and your interests. Google + project contains:
+Circles: share what matters, with the people who matter most
In order to help you out to share right things with the right people so as to give you a real life experience with this share thing. Circles makes it much easier without any interference of one circle into another.
+Sparks: strike up a conversation, about pretty much anything
Choose your interest, hobby and give a spark to your social life with Google + Sparks. Videos and articles you like will be in and ready to watch in your free time.
+Hangouts: stop by and say hello, face-to-face-to-face
Why online stick to the old tradition of doing texting, why not to switch to something advanced and go for a hangout this saturday online. Have your buddies face-to-face-to-face with +Hangouts of Google + and chill out on the web with your webcam.
+Mobile: share what’s around, right now, without hassle
Do what you think and share it instantly on web with your family, friends and public as per your choice. With the Instant upload feature you can directly upload your pics get uploaded themseleves.
+Huddle: connect with everyone with new group messaging experience
Jsut relax while planning for a movie in group and discuss over Google + in its new and innovative Group chat rather than having separate conversation with all your group friends.
+You: putting you first, all accross Google
All across Google only one thing is common, the one who has been given priority over anything is +You. You and over a billion others trust Google, and we don’t take this lightly. That’s why we’re giving you more ways to stay private or go public; more meaningful choices around your friends and your data; and more ways to let us know how we’re doing.