Google Chrome with never ending vulnerabilities, two more fixes.
I think Google is forcedly wanna users to use their product Google Chrome. On 25th two more vulnerabilites are found in the Stable Version and are fixed. This buggy software is coming with its new versions as pre beta, beta RC, stable version etc. but every time with lots of new bugs, security flaws, vulnerabilities and with no stability, high severity. Whats going on google, users still in confusion and are not secured even with this latest stable released version of chrome. Google posted following security issues on which more info can be get @Google Blog Post. Mozilla security too found a bug as CVE-2009-2935.

- CVE-2009-2935 Unauthorized memory read from Javascript
- Treat weak signatures as invalid
- CVE-2009-2414 Stack consumption vulnerability in libxml2
- CVE-2009-2416 Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities in libxml2
When all this is going to be fixed and when users will get a stable version which will be really a stable one is not yet confirmed.