Facebook new feature: Sort your stories in news feed

Facebook is again on facebook news as it came up with an excellent and useful features all of us wanting to have that is Sorting of News Feed. Now its very easy to sort out the news feed which we get accordingly with two options yet which are listed. There are two ways to sort out news feed in facebook:

  • Recent Stories First
  • Highlighted Stories First

For sorting you just need to click on the Sort Menu appearing in the top right of your News Feed so that you can choose how stories are sorted. You may not getting this feature now as it’s a new feature and is being rolled up in chunks to chunks of users and soon will get live to all users.


What happens when you sort your stories as per the option? Here is how your facebook stories will be sorted in News Feed:

Recent Stories First: Stories will appear in the order they were posted. Highlighted stories will be marked with a blue corner.

Highlighted Stories First: Highlighted stories you haven’t seen yet will appear at the top of your News Feed. (If you don’t see highlighted stories, it’s because there aren’t any new highlighted stories since your last visit.)

Highlighted stories in facebook are somewhat like this:


Hope you’ll get this feature soon. Facebook is already on its fullest to give facebook users best of all. So just see in your facebook account whether you got this feature or not.

Visit to see more features of facebook.