How To Make Android Application Using MIT App Inventor 2 To Control Lights Via Bluetooth

In the previous post we’ve already discussed how to interface Bluetooth module HC-06 with Arduino UNO and interface hardware with Arduino UNO to control domestic light. Now to control the domestic lights through smart phone you need an application that will be connected with our Bluetooth client HC-06. You can make your own application to control the lights in very easy way. Even with limited programming experience, you can easily learn to create Apps for the Android platform with MIT App Inventor 2  tool for Android.

This application is able to control one light after connecting it with Bluetooth module HC-06. Enable or disable the Bluetooth using the inbuilt button which is provided in the app. For successful controlling of lights you first need to switch on the Bluetooth. As soon as you press the Bluetooth button in the app you’ll see the list of nearby Bluetooth devices. Connect your smartphone with your Bluetooth client HC-06. To connect the smartphone with Bluetooth module HC-06 password is needed. The default password for HC-06 module is 1234Two different switches are provided for switching on the lamp and similarly a switch for switching it off.

Bluetooth Application to control lights

Even with limited programming experience, you can easily learn to create Apps for the Android platform with MIT App Inventor 2 tool for Android.  App Inventor for Android is a visual language that relies on simple programming blocks that users can drag and drop to create Apps.  The app can’t be made in internet explorer. For using app inventor you should have Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The block code of app inventor-

BlockCode For MIT App inventor
Block Code For MIT App inventor

The HC-06 Bluetooth module is the Bluetooth client here the application is sending a character ‘a’ to the Bluetooth module which is read by Arduino using ‘’ function and which in turn turns on the relay. Similar case is for switching of the circuit. I’ve already shared the post with Arduino code for light control using a Bluetooth module HC-06.

You can also download the app for controlling lights through your Android smart phone using HC-06 module and Arduino UNO.
If you still have any doubts feel free to ask. Suggestions are welcomed. Thank you for reading.