Microsoft releasing source code of MS Dos and Word for Windows to public

Microsoft going Open Source!! Really it seems dream but it’s truth of the day. Roy Levin, distinguished engineer and managing director of Microsoft Research just announced via TechNet blog about the news. Source code so released will be public at Computer History Museum,  a nonprofit organization which preserving computer history from last four decades and is home to the largest international collection of computing artifacts in the world, encompassing computer hardware, software, documentation, ephemera, photographs and moving images.


Current era of software is a crucial part of our civilization and roots of the same lies somewhere in the history of programming started decades earlier. Original source code of two such historic programs namely MS-DOS 1.1, 2.0 and Word for Windows 1.1a are being released for public. This will be great help for experts of upcoming generations and will result in a better personal computing in future.


Roy Levin said:

On Tuesday, we dusted off the source code for early versions of MS-DOS and Word for Windows. With the help of the Computer History Museum, we are making this code available to the public for the first time.

“Disk Operating System” majorly known as MS-DOS was used for IBM-compatible PC in 1982, was a boom in the history of personal computers. Another greatest achievement of the software computing industry is Word. Even this post is also written in Microsoft Word, a great piece of software which is the king of word-processing market. Microsoft provides source code of MS-DOS and Word for Windows to the Computer History Museum which is now available to the community for historical and technical scholarship.