How Windows 8 conflict resolution dialog box is designed
Windows 8 will create and break so many records in coming days and its clear that every Windows and even other Operating System users are intereseted, excited to check out whats coming next. And in parallel Steven Sinofsky via Windows 8 blog keeping us up to date about the features so coming in this next version of Windows Operating System. After posting about the improved features in the copy, move, delete operations now its time for some conflict resolving techs and specs which are handled with ease in Windows 8.
Windows 8 conflict resolution handling feature is much more improved and great, and here is its design & usability testing snaps from Microsoft team. If we think of Windows Operating System era starting from Windows 3.1 to Windows 7 then it had its own way of handling the conflicts as:
Conflict resolution dialog of Windows 3.1
Conflict resolution dialog of Windows 7
This design improvement era after era is done with so much precision and ease that user get easily adapted to the environment and it was easy to understand though. And the same pace is shown up here by improvising the same and giving users so much new and advanced featured facility in Windows 8. Some of the refinements so made are:
- No More Single Thumbnail in conflict resolution dialog box.
- Source and destinations along with columns are made more aparent.
- Better text so as to make it much more userr friendly.
- Multiple selections in a single Window
- Keeping the design simple and similar to previous one.
The conflict management is not confined to a single file but it went above that so as to handle files in bulk in a single conflict resolution dialog box. Development team started with 2-tiers upgrading and moving up to 3-tier but finally their work ended at single tier architecture for the same.
You can see the conlfict resolution with simple and detailed manner:
Started with 2-tier view of Windows 8 conflict dialog
3-tier view of Windows 8 conflict dialog
single-tier view of Windows 8 conflict dialog finally
Final design of conflict dialog in Windows 8
More and more usability research, testing after testing and after so many iteration of usability tests the outcome is what you just saw. If you want to see the above improvement live then visit Improved file management basics in Windows 8 post to see the video. Stay Tuned more is coming.